13 reasons to visit New Zealand


Among many places that are always between desired for the next trip is New Zealand. That country on the other side of the planet, which you get after zillions hour flight and the feeling of not knowing or what day you are or what will become of you.

In addition, 13 we will be short, because it goes beyond that. A country of contrasts, highly involved with their origins and traditions, linked to a fascinating nature and which in just a few steps spend the absolute summer to walk on a glacier. Yes, start to put money in the bank to go now.

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1. Napier and its Art Deco

This port city on the northern island is a delight for the eyes of all those who feel fascinated by the Art Deco. Once you to put one foot in Napier you will have the feeling of being in a movie with Gatsby and you will want overdressed according to the situation. Who was going to say it.

2. Visit Taumata Hill

Taumata Hill is located on the north island. Nor is it the most beautiful place there, and to reach its summit will have to employ between 3 and 4 hours, which may be the same time you will learn your name in Maori: Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu. Yes, with 85 letters is in the Guinness Book and its meaning you can like even more: The top where Tamatea, the man with big knees, the climber of mountains, eater of land, the tireless traveler, played his flute to be dear. Of course poster photo will have to go in landscape mode.

3. Auckland

We continue on the north island and go to the bustle of the big city, to Auckland, with its skyscrapers, colored lights and its cuisine. Given that New Zealand calls by their nature, more few days here are the perfect contrast.

4. The geyser that erupts every morning and water colors Waiotapu

On with the New Zealand nature and begin to explore the geothermal areas. See I explain better: Waiotapu is a volcanic park with an area eight kilometers in the predominantly collapsed craters, pools of water and mud and smoke … and the Lady Knox Geyser, which is like a Swiss watch and every morning erupciona without fail.

And if the geyser is a spectacle they will not be less accumulated in the different craters that you’re finding water. A landscape out of a movie from another world.

5. Its sea volcanoes

We also have active volcanoes and White Island, where you can reach by boat or by helicopter overfly also. You can enter the island and closer to the steaming craters. Of course, the fascination with what is in the depths of the earth is greater once you see it closely.

6. Endless beaches

Sunsets and endless and lonely beaches where only lie to hear the sea or jump to surf. Blue water and soft sand and especially not overcrowded, some of difficult access.

7. The Franz Joseph Glacier

And the contrast is to move from an endless beach of the North Island to meet a real glacier more than 12 km in the south island. The Franz Joseph Glacier worth a visit warm clothes to climb, slip, enter one of its tunnels and hallucinate color in the show. There are also aerial tours to see it in its glory.

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8. See the oldest tree in the world

When we say it is the oldest tree in the world it is not that we bluff, not because that you see there in the middle is the Te Matua Ngahere and is estimated to beapproximately between 2000 and 4000, who are many already. It is not especially high, but with a very wide trunk. So you can go to venerate the Waipoua Forest Reserve Forest. A wonder of nature.

9. Try to see a Kakapo

And you will tell me what bug is that? it is a kakapo is the world’s largest parrotand in addition to the more long – lived. Not fly and so have more or less the size of a hen, but in green, of course. The introduction of dogs and cats are ending with the poor and fewer and fewer.

10. Hike by Milford Track

I’re going to say I’m a little crazy about that crossing the world to go hiking, but that’s what New Zealand, raw nature that will leave you in awe and no better way to grab your boots and rucksack and wearied by Milford Track , crossing streams, bridges, valleys and even the country’s largest waterfall.

11. Perderte in Middle Earth

This is of course for fans of the universe JRR Martin, so nothing better than to take a walk around Hobbiton and stand in front of the house of Sam Sagaz. You’ll feel like a real Hobbit, although a little higher.

12. The Maori culture

And go to New Zealand and not delve into the culture Maori would be a sin. Proud of their origins, their craft, their culture you can marvel at the gods carved with tattoos and legends. They represent 14% of the population and the language and traditions are an integral part of everyone’s life.

13. The Haka

Finally we stop the enjoy a Haka, the Maori war dance and both have popularized rugby players in the country. It’s quite a sight to see and one of those times that have put everyone villages tip was at the funeral of Jonah Lomu .The same until you can dare to try to learn it. For more travelling tips visit http://savourytraveller.com/.

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