Around 2000 years ago, life in the British Isles changed completely. The Romans, a powerful force across most of Europe landed on the Kent coastline, on their quest for world domination. As they made their way across the country, they built new forts as they went and looked for the metals and resources that they could use.
There are many parts of the UK that still have many of the relics of this era in history. Gloucester (or Glevum) as the Romans called it is a city in rural south west. Popular with walkers and those who love the great outdoors, this letting agency Gloucester based is always busy!
If you want to see some of the still remaining Roman sites in this area, here are a few places to go and visit…
Eastgate Viewing Chamber – This fascinating underground chamber can be seen from above through a glass ceiling, but you can also go down beneath the city and wander around the chamber. These are the original stone walls of the east gates of the city, with parts that date back to 68 AD. It also contains ruins of a tower that was added in the 13th Century, as well as a large pool which would have been used to wash the livestock before going to market.

Chedworth Roman Villa – This is a building that was only recently rediscovered – it was only found around 150 years ago during the Victorian period and within its walls contains fascinating features that allow us a glimpse into Roman life, and original mosaics. This would have once been an opulent home of some powerful Romans just outside of the main city where they could rest and relax.
Great Witcombe Roman Villa – This is not as intact as the Chedworth Villa but is still certainly worth a visit. The remains of the villa can clearly be seen to show where the bath house once stood, as well as mosaics which have been preserved dating back to around 250 AD. As well as this you will be able to enjoy stunning views across the countryside surrounding the area. The overall size of the villa indicates that those who lived here would have been in a high position in society, within easy proximity to the city of Glevum.

Corinium Museum – The town of Cirencester in the county of Gloucester is another famously Roman area. Cirencester was known as Corinium in Roman times hence the name of the museum. Here you will find out plenty about Roman life in Gloucestershire and the Cotswold area, as well as other historical periods in the area, from before the Romans to the Anglo Saxon period. The museum has many exhibits some of which are interactive, so it is good fun for all ages and there is a lot to learn.