Best ways to use video on your website

Videos are incredibly popular when it comes to marketing and with more and more people enjoying consuming their content this way, it is no wonder that people are also using videos in clever ways on their websites. A good Web design Dublin company such as can help you when thinking about the best ways to use videos and whether you are going to host these natively on your website or whether you are going to have them on a YouTube channel and then embed them into the site.

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Here are some places on your website where you can use videos.

  1. Testimonials – most websites have testimonials on them as a way to reinforce to potential customers how good their products and services are. But, when they are given as written testimonials it can be hard to connect with them. Videos allow you to get your happy customers, to give you reviews that can help build trust with your potential buyers.
  1. FAQs – if you have common questions that are asked, why not have them in a video. This could be an explainer video that a key member of staff does or you might like to have an animated or whiteboard video instead.

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  1. Explainer videos – if you have services or products that you want to showcase you can do this really effectively in a video. People will often prefer to watch a video about how a product works rather than read an instructional piece.