Four key trends in accounting

From evolving technologies to changes in the wider business landscape, the accounting sector is undergoing a significant transformation.
1. The role of accountants is changing

Technology is developing at a rapid pace, which means boosting technical literacy will become an essential skill for all accountants keen to secure more clients and grow their businesses. Keeping on top of new and emerging tech will be key to becoming one of the earliest adopters of new tools and getting ahead of the competition.

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  1. The prevalence of AI will increase

    There are conversations surrounding whether AI will replace workers in most sectors, including accountancy. While AI will undoubtedly be used much more widely in the accounting sector, it doesn’t understand the nuances of the human experience and cannot help to build important relationships, which is why the role of the accountant is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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  1. Automation will improve workflows

    Automation can help accountants to spend less time on essential yet repetitive and time-consuming tasks, including data entry, compliance, and payroll. This frees up more time to spend on tasks that require critical thinking and problem-solving.

    Now is an excellent time for accountants to audit the technology they are using on a daily basis, paying close attention to identifying opportunities to leverage automation and free up valuable time.

    4. The hybrid working model will continue

    This Forbes article indicates that many business owners are considering putting an end to hybrid working; however, this is not something we are going to see across the board in the accounting sector.

    During the pandemic, accountancy firms that were already using a hybrid model performed much better than firms without an existing hybrid approach. If you want to expand your workforce and you are looking for experienced hybrid accountancy professionals, partnering with an accountancy recruitment agency such as will help you to build a robust and versatile team.

    While some challenges can arise with remote work, putting in place the right technologies and practices means accountancy firms will continue to deliver top-quality services to clients regardless of whether employees work from home or the office.