dental trauma

When we speak of dental trauma we refer to the injuries that are produced by an aggressive impact to the dentoalveolar complex that gathers, in addition to the teeth, its neighboring tissues such as periodontal support, supporting bone, dental pulp (nerves and blood vessels) and mucous membranes…

Any person and at any age can suffer a trauma of this type because they do not occur by a predictable mechanism and can not be avoided.

However, studies on this type of injuries in Colombia show that they are more common in children under two years old. Who is learning to walk and in that process can lose stability and be beaten with furniture and objects?

It can be said that dental trauma is a frequent cause of consultation in pediatric dentistry and you can inform yourself in advance how you can minimize some risk situations for your child such as removing furniture with which you can hit or wear protective clothing when playing sports or riding a bicycle.

Different Causes of dental trauma

dental traumaThere are different causes for dental trauma. But three of the most common in our environment is the fall from a moving bicycle. The fall from the person’s own height and the blows received in violent situations such as fights or robberies.

In addition, there are other situations that are associated with the risk of dental trauma. Such as gambling in children under six years of age, child maltreatment, the practice of sports, especially contact, severe traffic accidents and seizures in the patients with epilepsy.

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A dental emergency

dental traumaIn any situation, a dental trauma is a dental emergency, but it is not always of a vital nature. Because with the trauma come other injuries, besides the dental ones. In the body of the sufferer, even more, serious and require emergency medical attention…

This situation is common in traffic accidents where multiple injuries occur. So priority is given to the medical care of other injuries. And then the trauma is treated at the dental level.

Although it is not an emergency in which life is compromised, time is a fundamental factor in preserving damaged tissues and teeth. Even though after the blow there is no harm to the naked eye. You must go to the consultation within the first hours after the event.

In addition, the earlier you go to the dental emergency services. The better the prognosis for treatment that you can follow in the future for your rehabilitation that depends to a great extent on the intensity of the injury.


dental traumaEach case we treat patients with these injuries is different and the management. Both emergency care and rehabilitation treatment, are differentiated as to the type of dentition.

They can treat children who still have temporary teeth (or milk). Children and adolescents who have mixed dentition (temporary and permanent) and people who have permanent teeth.

As a result of the trauma, the function of the teeth is affected. As well as sequelae on the aesthetic and other psychological levels. But, especially in children, injuries must be treated to avoid consequences on their permanent teeth.

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