Summer Recipe – Cold cream of carrots and mango

Cold cream of carrots and mango

With this heat wave we only think of eating cold dishes to help us rehydrate. Today we will prepare a very special, one cold cream of carrots and mango which is very refreshing and also takes a bit of celery and a touch of fresh ginger in their preparation.

To prepare this recipe summer, because it is very simple and can serve for a change and not resort to the usual, although logically we love, we repeated too many times.

Cold cream of carrots and mango
Image Source: Google Image

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1/2 stick of celery, sweet and ripe mango 1/2, 1/2 kg of carrots, water, salt and a slice of fresh ginger, optionally cream.

How to make a cold cream of carrots and mango

The first step is clean the celery and remove the strands, after which you chop into small pieces, reserving a few for garnish bowls in which serve cold cream when we list. Also we peel the carrots and meat we get half the handle keeping the rest for other preparations.

In a saucepan, we put the rest of celery and carrots cut into beautiful pieces. Boil with water and a little salt and leave for about 20 minutes until carrots are tender and easy to grind.

In a glass beater we put the meat cooked with mango and chopped celery and carrots ginger and grind until pureed texture as when we make a traditional recipe. We may use part of the cooking water if we see that is too thick. You can also add a splash of cream.

Once with the right texture, store in the refrigerator leaving it to cool before serving in small bowls. In each, we add a few pieces of celery to bring more freshness and crispness.

  • Preparation time | 30 minutes
  • Difficulty | Easy


The cold cream of carrots and mango is a good alternative, being a very satisfying soup or cold cream with a pleasant sweet touch. Try using other fittings as crispy onion or diced ham to bring more contrasts. Visit this blog to know more……..