Do you know the difference between usability and user experience?

Usability and User experience

Usability and user experience are two terms of those who have heard referring to the online navigation. But do you know its definition and the main differences between these concepts?

The official definition of usability that provides the international standard refers to the capacity of the software product to be understood, learned, used and appeals to the user, when used under certain conditions. Moreover, the standard defines the user experience as the result of perceptions and responses of a person by use and anticipated use of a product, system or service.

Explained more colloquially, the usability of a web or platform is measured by how easy and intuitive it is to handle, while the user experience spans more factors and goes a step further, referring to the user satisfaction before, during and after browsing a website.

If your users are able to easily navigate your site, your site has a good index of usability as it meets its functional purpose. Furthermore, if the experience is pleasant, comfortable and positive, we can talk about a positive user experience, supported by the web design and menu navigation.

Usability and User experience
Image Source: Google Image

Of course, both are interdependent, since a good usability is essential to ensure positive user experience. In an e-commerce elements facilitate all possible means of payment, provide all relevant corporate information, have a good customer service or display products attractively significantly improves the user experience.

Key factors for good usability

From Host provide a useful list of factors that create a good usability and others that promote optimal user experiences. Let’s see what they are:

  1. Fast load times: All content on your site must meet this premise, since otherwise they frustrate the user, increase the dropout rate, and bounce rate of your website. You can measure the speed of loading your page with this free tool from Google.
  2. Clean and clear design: This factor encourages the user to more easily digest the information of your website. This is essential to organize and prioritize information, select successful corporate colors, icons to lead your user, divide sections properly, and the navigation structure. It is essential to have a responsive design and adapt the web to mobile devices increasingly used.
  3. Accessibility: This factor is becoming increasingly important, and more and more websites, social networks and manufacturers to adapt technology taking into account the physical difficulties of users.
  4. Consistency: It is essential to adapt the text fields to the possible answers, highlight required fields, not request irrelevant information display confirmation messages and do tedious and long purchasing process in the case of e – commerce.
  5. Clarity: You should always put yourself in the place of the user when creating your website, avoiding complex concepts and too generic categories, in addition to providing all the valuable information about your products and services.

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Points that generate a good user experience

  • Usability: As we previously anticipated, it is very important that your website is efficient so that your visitors can meet the target they intended to access the platform.
  • Utility: Although it may seem obvious, all elements of your website should have a specific purpose. If you notice any left over, remove it. The review must be constant to improve.
  • Confidence: Sets explanations as an FAQ so that the user has all the necessary information at each step of your website.
  • Desire: The design, aesthetics and quality multimedia content can a product do much more desirable, refracted into a positive user experience.
  • Easy search: The search engine, the tag cloud and sections and subsections must respond to the needs of consumers and Internet users so that the consumer is satisfied and have a positive experience, finding few seconds I was looking for, either an article, a product or specific information.
  • Security: It is essential with regard to the exchange of personal data or confidential information. Therefore, you must have a SSL security certificate.
  • Value Creation: The information of your website or products you sell should have a value beyond the economic, fulfilling the expectations of users and differentiated your competition. The branding and neuromarketing can be your allies to build value.