How to Stay Safe During the Autumn and Winter Storms

As autumn has now arrived, we have the change in the weather and the inevitable winter storms that arrive onto our shores. Autumn storms can vary in intensity, but here are some tips to help you to protect your home and yourself during a storm…

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Keep an Eye on Warnings – The main thing to do is to regularly check online or on the radio for updates and weather warnings, as this can change quickly.

Prepare your Home – Check your home to make sure that it is able to stand up to the weather. Make repairs to any part that is vulnerable – for example, if you have a fence that is already showing signs of damage, it is worth getting a professional like this Fencing Loughborough based company, Direct Fencing in to replace it.

Don’t Make Unnecessary Journeys – Driving can be very dangerous during stormy weather and if you can avoid it, you should do so. Heavy rain and wind can lead to accidents happening. If you have to make an essential journey, keep the radio on to listen for weather warnings and road closures on the route.

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Have Supplies Ready – Often storms can cause power cuts, so you should have candles and battery powered radios and torches to hand in case this happens.

It is also worth keeping a bag of supplies in your car in case you get stuck anywhere and need to wait for help, with items like a spare phone battery, water and a warm blanket.