Top ideas for your next corporate event

Corporate events can do wonders for team morale and can also provide opportunities for staff at all levels and across all departments to socialise. If you’ve already participated in a team-building event, you will be only too familiar with the numerous positive outcomes so, if you’re after some fresh new ideas for your next corporate event, look no further!

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Food-related events

Why settle for a standard dinner-dance party when you can surprise your workers with something more original? Nitrogen ice cream bars feature a range of unusual ice cream flavours to add that novelty factor to your team-building event. Delegates can enjoy flavours inspired by Jack Daniels, popcorn and many more. Find out more about the taste sensations on offer and how they’re made at

A tailor-made Food Science class will have your employees feeling all nostalgic about their school days, with interactive food stalls offering the opportunity to watch dishes being made before them. Finally, though your best-dressed staff may not thank you for it, you could attend a cafe where you pay for your food and drink in exercise. After a stint on a treadmill, a spin bike or a rowing machine, we’re sure that your workers will find the funny side!

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Party-animal themes

If you have a wild bunch and want to allow them to let their hair down, why not consider a carnival parade, where delegates can join in a colourful and music-filled activity? Or, if you want a cosmopolitan feel but can’t afford to transport your entire workforce to a lively city, then why not invite them to take part in a photo booth experience, where they can take a virtual tour around England’s capital and see the main London landmarks? This is great if you’re looking for corporate events in Ireland with a twist. Do check out the website of Irish events specialist Davis Events for even more fun-fuelled ideas (

Alternative experiences

Although most events usually incorporate some kind of dining element, there’s a range of activities that you can do which are centred around specific themes. Take an indoor drag racing event, for example, featuring renowned racing legends and sports journalists. Meanwhile, an inflatable igloo can be the location of your winter or summer escapade, using a 16-metre inflatable structure, complete with LED lights, a bar and furniture.