It Makes Sense To Have A Website?


The year is 2017 and the scenario is not the most reassuring. Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America, the organic lobby to the cry of the gluten-free has declared war against everything that contains palm oil. It is also sadly closes every glimmer of historical rehabilitation of the mullet. The voice runs for some time in the corridors of the agencies that sell online glory and dreams of those who have built their careers trying to put the websites not under if the bugs in check Internet Explorer: fare too well.

Those who work in symbiosis with the network knows, everything runs faster and obsolescence is around the corner. MySpace also became a place of great cool Dante populated almost exclusively by hordes of musicians who wandered in search of gullible listeners by stress to place your own playlist metalcore. Each historical period has its ill for sacrifice on the altar of progress and this time it seems that the patient is dying just the website. Maybe it will be a matter of a few years to attend his complete extinction.

Image Source: Google Image

Today it still makes sense to have a website?

It is a question more than legitimate to have it especially when it is an army of small and medium-sized companies that have procrastinated for years the squandering of the budget in online communication and now hope to get by with a small page Facebook. The answer is just as legitimate if the other side there are people like me who work designing websites. Seriously, I have never been an advocate of aggressive therapy, even if the decadent image of the string quartet continues its session while the ship sinks exerts its charm.

To answer the question, maybe you need to think about what is really a site. Basically it is a means of communication and as all media may be more or less effective in relation to the historical, social and technological so he plays his part. The first site has made its appearance in 1991 through the efforts of a few pioneers who dreamed of a network accessible and affordable for everyone. Rows upon rows of code to get pages from monolithic texts that could not aspire to the graphic freedom of the press. Sites sad and anonymous, which by the way were not available to everyone. Having a website, only a small circle of business realities could afford a luxury. The gruesome functionality and the almost complete lack of online interaction, however, were offset by the added value in terms of image, visit our website (the competition does not have one yet)!

Then the visual component has taken over. The increasingly fast connections freed creativity in the form of images and design enabling the proliferation of sites. Internet Live Stats it matters right now 1,172,042,932. The success is the need to communicate, share and disseminate ideas by building an online outpost where we can declare their uniqueness. The contours that define the differences between you and the person are increasingly blurred converging in the creation of a single identity of those who live daily connected and assigns memory to the message boards of the company.

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Set against social channels

Although they are closely interdependent, still they perform different functions. The company is the place where born, grows and ditching the debate, the arena of confrontation and clash in fact. The site however is your house; the mat with the words welcome invites guests to wipe their shoes before crossing the threshold. In principle, there are still to netiquette that protects from attacks, which degenerate into acts of vandalism by teenage party got out of hand. On social, the line between your space and my hearing it is not so binding. The big brands have learned the hard believing that enough delete a comment to face criticism. In fact, the company there is a widespread perception of equality between interlocutors unlike the website, the institutional place where you can be what you want. If someone does not agree to change the maximum air and does not pass over to see you.

The information found on the company reported are often the same that we find in the web pages. With a handful of text can you describe who you are, the services we propose present products and enable the key buys, highlight photographic and video galleries, but the result is far from satisfying. Even page conveys your company’s mission, but the level of formality will never be total because they will always respond to a summit in the guidelines, a securities stock exchange that go beyond your will. People feel the need to present their reality in a personal and social structure does not allow even this freedom.

Therefore, I think that the website remains the purest identity personal manifesto despite being frequently snubbed in favor of immediacy of social channels. The loss of its centrality in some online business strategies, however, is a fact and it is not so remote the possibility that it can permanently lose the leadership in place where conversions take place. Today the vast majority of projects and companies still need this institutional channel, but its longevity I think it will depend on the expansionist ambitions of social networks, the Google policy, and how our own web pages will become permeable to new technologies and functionality. Ultimately, the websites will resist change? No idea, but I hope you take as hard as statutorily the overseas market face Amazon Go.