Dyson Pure Hot + Cool Link: Purifies, Heats and Ventilates the Air of Your Home


Dyson is a pioneer brand in suction and ventilation systems. From the first bag less vacuum cleaners that launched the market have been able to position themselves as a leading company in everything that has to do with air. And one of the most interesting products range is the Dyson Hot + Cool Pure Link, an air conditioning system and air purification in one.

In a relatively compact system we have an air cleaner, a heating or ventilation, and all controllable by a remote control or, better yet, from a mobile device with its application control and programming.

Image Source: Google Image

Dyson Pure Hot + Cool Link, specifications

  • 360º HEPA filter glass fiber that eliminates 99.95% of particles up to 0.1 microns and carbon for the elimination of odors
  • Jet Focus control with diffuse or long-range ventilation functions
  • Thermostatic temperature control
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • Scheduling via remote control (included) or application for mobile devices
  • Silent function
  • Weight 3.90 kg
  • Height 64 cm

Dyson Pure Hot + Cool Link, unpacking

In a vertical box and quite adjusted to the size of the device we find both the Dyson Hot + Cool Pure Link as a remote control from which control it , but you probably want to use the control from the mobile app as we shall see. The system has a vertical diffuser and a cylindrical base that is responsible for collecting the air, filter it and expel it.

Another interesting aspect is that the airflow can be varied and focus up, with their side button that allows tilt the top, both up and down, although the angle is not too steep.

At the back we find the power cord and cap to change the air filter, while on the front we have the starter button and a temperature indicator and system operation. Ventilation is displayed with a blue light, while heating is indicated by a red light.

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From the first moment we can enjoy the Dyson Pure Hot + Cool Link thanks to the remote control included, in which we can select the main functions, but probably want to install the application Dyson , available for both Android and iOS, from which we A much more interesting control.

Thus, we can program the Dyson to turn on or off at certain times of the day, to have indication of the quality of the air by means of a graph and all the information of operation. And all thanks to Wi-Fi connectivity of Dyson, allowing us to change the configuration or programming from anywhere in the house.

The Dyson also has a rotational movement in both directions about its vertical axis, so we can heat or ventilate large rooms thanks to the movement or make the airflow more enjoyable.

But probably the star of this team function air purification and its reason for being and the security of not having moving parts other fans. The purification of the air helps a lot to improve the health and our quality of life, especially for people allergic or with some respiratory problem and the reduction of annoying odors.

The air filter included according to the manufacturer is able to filter out 99.95% of particles down to 0.1 microns, which will help both to eliminate odors and pollutants and pollens. In addition, the app tells us what is the quality of the air we are breathing and is able to monitor it continuously.

We can configure the Dyson in three modes, maintain the air quality, I am sensitive to particles and contaminants, or I am very sensitive to particles and pollutants. This got to the purifier is active longer and thus improve the level of air quality.

The system makes a fairly restrained noise at low speed, raising the level as we increase the air flow. The normal heat / temperature indicator and the numerical indicator will help us to set the optimum setting or check that it is desired if we use the included remote control.

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