How to stop being a boss to be a leader

Being a boss

When speaking of the paradigm shift, chief leader, the names that come to mind are, for example, the founder of Apple – Steve Jobs, or Amazon – Jeff Bezos.

However, although these cases are remarkable and today, do not forget illustrious leaders who took their companies critical situations such as Lee Iacocca, Chrysler, or General Electric Jack Welch.

Being a boss
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Transforming the concept of chief leader

  • Collaboration

They are leaders because they exercise their leadership not based on his power, but according to their authority. They are people who are able to think together and colleagues perceived well.

  • Specialization

The leader is the specialist, always leads the team and tries to be the first to face the obstacles they introduce them.

  • Copies

Lead by example by working to improve their performance and be more professional, they are truly committed to the task that needs to be done and its goals.

  • Vulnerability

Not afraid to ask for help his team to solve problems, based on constant dialogue so that their employees can express their ideas.

  • Feedback

Similarly asking ideas and proposals to their partners, they facilitate the necessary feedback in order to improve their work and feel valued.

  • Wellness

It is pre-cupan for the needs of its employees, both professionally and on a personal, caring for their development.

The “command and control” still exists and many people applied, based on exercise its power in the organization, however, this attitude undermines the labor commitment, undermining productivity and equipment efficiency. For more ideas visit