When Roles Change: Supporting Aging Loved Ones

As your parents, grandparents or other loved ones grow older, roles and responsibilities shift for the entire family unit involved. Who was once the caregiver is now the receiver, sometimes at a rapid and unexpected pace. Unsure about how to go about finding care for your elderly family and friends? Check out this simple guide for practical ways you can take hassle-free next steps.

Understand Mindsets

It is crucial during major life stages and role reversals to understand how your aging family members are feeling. As you explore and discuss assisted living solutions, medicines and downsizing homes, it is only natural for there to be tension and emotions. Go into difficult conversations about future planning with an open mind and determination to find the best solution for all. Don’t be offended by harsh comments or a loved one’s unwillingness to compromise. Resistance to change is common with age and should be expected.

Explore Options

After beginning the initial conversations about supporting your family or friend through aging, begin exploring various routes that would best support their needs. If medical care is a concern, explore assisted living facilities with on-site doctors or investigate visiting nurses. Ask your loved one’s doctor for the type of care they recommend moving forward. If your family member is seeking community, explore retirement and assisted living communities that promote engagement and social activity among members. Your relative may be in a position where the best support involves in-home care. If you live on the East Coast, consider exploring adult foster care service massachusetts.

Positivity is Key

Once you have selected the best support option, discuss it with your loved ones with a positive mindset. If your aging loved one sees how happy you are about the new change, he or she will likely feel at ease and more inclined to try the new solution.

When you take the time to listen, explore and present options for assisted support in a positive light, your family and friends will be well on their way to accepting change and moving forward with exciting life steps.