4 Reasons why long distance relationships last longer

long distance relationships

There are many couples who for one reason or another, they live their love at a distance and according to some research, it seems that these stories will last even longer than traditional ones. Because? Here are 4 simple reasons …

They are called “commuters love” partners who for various reasons are forced to live apart and be alone together on weekends and bank holidays.

long distance relationships
Image Source: Google Image

It was once almost unthinkable the idea of living relationships of this kind, today, however, thanks to the internet and new technologies, people who are not physically close may be at least virtually.

But order for these lasting stories is essential that the two lovers are autonomous, with good self-esteem and above all a satisfying life.

That said, what are the reasons why long distance relationships would last more? Here they revealed!

1) It maintains independence

The first reason that distant love affairs are more durable than others is that i do not “cancel partners” should not constantly struggle with spaces and moments of freedom but often five days a week and then you are completely independent when meeting also wants to set aside their personal needs to accommodate those of partners.

long distance relationships
Image Source: Google Image

2) Desire is more alive

In long distance relationships also appears to be better sex life; not see each other every day creates the magic and increases the desire and the desire to be together, not only outside but also inside the bed!

You may also like to read another article on BlogsMujer: Distance relationships are difficult, but worth it!

3) You feel less oppressed

Being close means, you have many more opportunities to smother each other with constant demands for attention, monitoring, and very often with scenes of jealousy for any situation. The distance, obviously, if you have confidence in the other, does not permit this and when you see one would most like to talk and share good times and not spend time arguing!

long distance relationships
Image Source: Google Image

4) It is designed as individuals

Finally, another reason why long distance relationships last longer is that on days when the partners are distant manage to cultivate their interests, hobbies, attending friends and family without having the feeling of bringing way to time partner.

Those who have classic stories often feels compelled to have to give up their things to avoid discussions, but that over time leads to dissatisfaction and the feeling of no longer being manufactured as individuals.

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