7 fundamental tips before opening your online store

online store

Starting your business and preparing all the key points of opening an online store is as exciting as it is a source of nervousness. There are seven essential points that you must take into account so that everything comes out to ask for.

Are you ready to set up your online store? Undoubtedly, there are many points to attend to, from taking care of your SEO strategy to presenting the products you sell in the most attractive way possible to increase sales or have a powerful content marketing plan oriented to e-commerce.

Being orderly and careful, weighing the various alternatives and spending considerable time to make the best decisions is the basis for the success of an e-commerce business.

So that you know where to start, you should consider seven keys before your online store remains open on the network 24 hours a day waiting for your potential customers.

7 recommendations for your e-commerce business

1) Ponder the platform you will choose

This is probably one of the most important decisions you will have to face, this largely depends on the size of your online store, the number of products you will offer and the geographic scope you hope to have. If you are only going to try your luck and you do not want to complicate yourself too much on a technical level, you can go for Shopify or WooCommerce. For a more serious store with a medium catalog, Prestashop is the most popular option, while for scalable businesses experts recommend Magento. For customization, contact a developer if you don’t have knowledge of the subject.

2) Where will you host your online store?

In addition to the CMS or content manager chosen with its relevant design, the hosting service is a very important factor for your website to have a good loading speed and therefore achieve a low bounce rate. There is a wide variety of companies to choose from, so you should evaluate the space, the data transfer and the technical support they offer you.

3) Take a closer look at your competitors

Which companies in the sector are your main competition, and what structural and marketing solutions do they provide to their users in their online stores? It uses tools to measure its activity and tries to detect its main defects and strengths.

4) Shine for your images

Having a clean design, a powerful and clear landing page and a comfortable and intuitive navigation menu that facilitates a good user experience is essential so that the consumer can find what they are looking for and not abandon the process of purchase. It stands out for the high quality of the photographs of your products and rely on complete and truthful descriptions. The more customization, the more success. Keep in mind that the images are the showcase of your virtual store and the best weapon to enter through the eyes of customers.

5) It includes all possible payment methods

Some users refuse to buy online on your website because they cannot find the payment method they usually use and refuse to use another one for reasons of mistrust, lack of electronic signature or discomfort. Thus, providing the largest possible number of payment options, as well as different types of shipping is key to having your target satisfied. Do not forget to have complete corporate and contact information, in addition to the legal notice and the cookie policy. It is essential for sales to grow over time.

6) SEO is your essential ally

That your online store is positioned on the first page of Google is essential, and achieving it in the field of ecommerce is complicated, since you cannot develop unique content and you face fierce competition, linked to modifications of Google algorithms. Remember to generate your own content according to the most relevant keywords in your sector, correctly index all the elements, optimize the images and canonize the URLs. Try not to make beginner mistakes, stay up to date on deprecated SEO techniques, and bet on the increasingly obvious benefits of local SEO and geolocation.

7) Add value to your users on your blog and on your social networks

In addition to a competitive price or security, there are relevant factors for the customer to opt for your online store. Personalization, good customer service, product presentation or ingenious and original offers will attract your attention. If you also provide them with interesting content periodically on your corporate blog and create community through your social media strategy, you will generate an emotional bond with them and position yourself as an expert in your sector.

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