10 important facts about the IELTS test exam

IELTS test exam

If you are thinking about presenting an official English test, but you have doubts about which one to take, it is recommended that you inform yourself in a timely manner about all the available options. If IELTS test exam are one of your options, we prepare this article for your IELTS test exam.

Here are 10 things you should know about IELTS test exam:

1. What is the IELTS:

IELTS test exam

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an official examination of English of high recognition worldwide. The IELTS is administered by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Its purpose: to assess the level of English of the people who take it. This is one of the most accepted English exams by foreign higher education institutions to endorse the knowledge of this language.

2. Types of IELTS:

There are two types of IELTS test. The General IELTS and the Academic IELTS. The General IELTS is the one you can take if your goal is to migrate to an English-speaking country for work, training or job training purposes. As for the Academic IELTS, this would be a better option for you if your interest is to study in an English-speaking country, especially if you want to enter the undergraduate or postgraduate program. The Auditory Comprehension and Oral Expression sections are identical in both exams, but the Written Expression and Reading Comprehension sections differ in that the texts you should read and the essays that you will have to write in the General IELTS are more related to topics from day to day, while in the Academic IELTS are related to more analytical topics.

3. Type of IELTS English:

You may have heard the myth that the IELTS test is British English. However, if you take the decision to take IELTS test exam, you should know that the IELTS is an international exam, so during the different sections of it, you will find a variety of accents from all over the world such as American, British, Australian English and New Zealand. You also learn How to read faster and understanding what you read.

If you need any extra help with the IELTS, consider these courses to have a great performance on the exam.

4. IELTS sections:

The IELTS measures the competence and level of English in four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

The Listening section consists of four sections and 40 questions in total. In this, you will have to listen to four recordings of conversations and monologues, and once each recording is finished, you will have to answer the questions about what you have heard.

IELTS test exam

During the Reading Comprehension section, you must answer 40 questions. Depending on the type of exam you take, you should read between 3 and 5 passages; in the Academic IELTS, you will read 3 long writings taken from books and academic journals. While in the General IELTS you will read up to 5 short texts taken from newspapers and news.

The Written Expression section, you will have 60 minutes to make two writings. In the Academic IELTS you will have to make a first writing where you will have to summarize the information of a graph, diagram or table that is presented to you, and then you will have to make an essay. In the General IELTS, you must first write a letter explaining a situation or requesting information and then do a rehearsal.

The Oral Expression section consists of three parts. In the first part, you should talk about yourself and the topics that are known to you. Then, in a second part, you will have to answer some questions about a particular topic that will be asked. Finally, in the third part, you will have a discussion on the topic dealt with in part two. It is important to highlight that this section of the IELTS, unlike other exams, is done individually and in person with an examiner.

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5. Duration of the IELTS:

In total, the IELTS lasts 2 hours and 44 minutes, divided into 30 minutes for the Listening section, 60 minutes that take the Reading Comprehension section, another 60 minutes to complete the writings of the Written Expression Section and between 11-14 minutes to answer the three parts of the Oral Expression Section. It is important that you know that the Oral Expression Section is performed on a different day than the other three sections.

6. IELTS scores:

The first thing you should know is that the IELTS test does not have an approved or disapproved format. The result you receive will show you is your level of English proficiency. The test uses nine bands to measure the results, with 1 being the lowest band and 9 being the highest band.

IELTS test exam

The results can be presented in the form of a complete band (eg 6.0) or in a half band (eg 6.5). According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the bands between 1 and 3.5 correspond to levels A1 and A2 that are people who have basic knowledge of the language, the bands between 4 and 5 are equivalent at level B1 which is level intermediate, the bands between 5.5 and 6.5 correspond to level B2 of advanced intermediate level, the bands between 7 and 8.5 are equal to level C1 which is high level and the band of 9 is equivalent to level C2 which is to be expert in the language.

The results bring a score for each section and a global score. The score in each section is awarded according to four criteria: how well the questions were solved, the coherence and cohesion of the questions, how wide is the vocabulary of the candidate and the level of grammar. Each of these four criteria has a similar weight in the final score obtained by the candidate in each section.

If you need any extra help with the IELTS, consider these courses to have a great performance on the exam.

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7. Which institutions accept the IELTS:

Many people have the belief that the IELTS test only valid in the United Kingdom or Australia. And that for example, it is not accepted by the United States and Canada. This is also a myth. The IELTS is a global exam, internationally recognized by more than 8,000 institutions in 135 countries, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and more than 1100 American universities and colleges.

8. The validity of the IELTS Results:

Once you have done the IELTS test exam, you will receive a copy of the results 13 calendar days after the date of submission of the written exam. During your registration to the exam, you can request that they send a copy of your results to a maximum of five educational institutions. Keep in mind that the results you get will last for two years. In case you get a score lower than what you needed, you can re-take the exam at any time.

9. How to register for the IELTS:

IELTS test exam

You can present the Academic IELTS in 48 dates during the year and the General IELTS in 24 dates. They are held four times a month, usually on Thursdays and Saturdays, with fixed dates. It is possible to register for the IELTS test exam in person or online. But that will depend on the center where you are going to present it. The IELTS can be taken in more than 900 centers around the world. To register for the exam, you must complete the application form . And attach a copy of your identity document and two passport-size photos.

10. IELTS price:

Although the Academic IELTS and the General IELTS have the same price, this varies according to the country. And the center where you are going to take the IELTS test exam.

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