Who was Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale is a name that most people have heard of. She is credited with bringing about the modern day nursing that no spans across NHS work, private practices and even Nursing Agency Stroud jobs such as the ones from Take Five Healthcare.

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Nightingale was born in 1820 and she is best known for the work that she did in the Crimean War. It was during this time that was given the nickname ‘The Lady With The Lamp’ as she would spend her time walking through the makeshift hospitals checking on the patients.

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As well as being a dedicated nurse she was interested in social reform and understood the importance of sanitisation in hospitals and healthcare settings. Due to the work that she undertook in checking on patients and ensuring that the hospital areas were kept clean and hygienic she helped to reduce the number of deaths of soldiers that were brought in for treatment.

She also set about creating a patients kitchen where good food could be served to those in the hospital, a library where they could read and entertain themselves and a laundry area where patient linens could be cleaned on a regular basis.

She took a lot of what she learnt on the battle front of the Crimean War and it was this that led her to set up St Thomas’s Hospital and the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. Nightingale also wrote many papers on the importance of clean hospital areas for soldiers and war settings.