7 hidden games in the Google search engine to have fun

hidden games

Google always hides surprises in most of its services. It likes to play with its consumers, that’s why it has a series of hidden games in search engine to entertain us in those dead moments and, in some cases, awaken our nostalgia.

Just like every once in a while we find a Doodle in the form of a game that brightens our day, the Google search engine hides a series of simple games that you can have available whenever you want.

The bad thing about video games is that many times you need to download them and install them on your mobile or computer, and then forget them for days or months and they are taking up space unnecessarily.

However, these games from the Google search engine that we are going to propose below do not need to be downloaded, you simply have to access the google search engine and enter its name. The games appear instantly, but be careful, in some cases you will have to put the specific name that we are going to give you or look for it in a specific section.

The lonely man

There can be no simpler and older card game. Now you can have it on your computer with a simple click and hang out. Although, if you have never played, you just have to create staircases of cards in descending numerical order and alternating red and black. Prepared?

Just go to the Google search engine and type the word “Solitaire” (if you are using Google in Spanish). The first one in the list will appear and you just have to click on the Play button. In almost all the games on the list, you will have a clock that will time the time it takes to finish the game, as well as scores and movements.

The Minesweeper

Another great friend to spend dead moments. This along with solitaire are two games widely used in Windows since computers became popular in homes and offices.

The design differs a bit from the classic minesweeper of all life with gray colors, this is inspired by a golf course but its operation is identical: You must press each square and numbers will appear that indicate how many mines are in the boxes that surround them. Logic and mathematics are the key to becoming an expert in this challenge.

Remember that if you use Google in Spanish you can search for the word “Minesweeper”, instead of its English version (Minesweeper). Good luck.

Tic Tac Toe

In this case you can search for the game Tic-Tac-Toe and you will find it anyway. You can choose to play with the cross or with the circle. Remember that you need to make a straight line of three elements to win.


A classic among classics. In Spain there is a whole generation that also knows it as the Comecocos and you can search for it like this or by its original name. Google offers it whatever you call it.

In this case, we have to warn that all the games can be enjoyed on the computer and on the mobile but Pac-man is much more like if you have a keyboard and the up, down, right and left keys. With your finger on the mobile screen, it is much more difficult to control the path of the protagonist. And, you know, no ghost reaches you.

The snake

This game, if it is the work of Google, was developed for the year 2013, the year of the snake in the Chinese calendar. To find it, you must put “Snake Game”.

Move the snake through the panel of the same design as the minesweeper, so that it reaches the apple and eats it. The more you get the more it will grow and the more points you will have. Like Pac-Man, on mobile it is more difficult to play than with a keyboard.

Atari Breakout

We return to the beginnings of video games with another classic. Searching for “Atari Breakout” you can enjoy this for a while, but you will find it in the Images section of the Google search engine. The photos will turn into brick on the screen and the game will appear before you to start destroying them by directing the ball with the blue plate at the bottom of the window. As you achieve levels, surprises appear, so cheer up.

To Google a day

We finish with this option in the form of a trivial for lovers of knowledge of general culture. On the A Google Day website, you can answer questions on any subject and if you do not know the answer, you will have the joker of finding it with the search engine. They also offer some clues in case you look really lost, but try to respond as quickly as possible so you don’t lose points with the stopwatch.

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