What is the Queen’s favourite TV show?

We all have our favourites when it comes to TV programmes because they are comforting and familiar to us. We also love to know what other people watch and what it says about them. What the queen likes to watch is certainly something that has us all interested.

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How do we know about her viewing habits? Our information comes from palace insiders. Whatever they are, we can assume that she has at least has had an aerial installed for her, such as Worcester TV aerial installation. Perhaps she has only freeview, or does she have an extensive satellite/cable package?

A Pointless Fan?

Press gossip offers us clues about what the queen likes to watch. Alexander Armstrong of Pointless has claimed that a palace insider revealed she is a fan of his quiz show. Perhaps she enjoys answering the questions on the British monarchy and the history of the British Isles. If it is true, she watches it with an average of 4 million people every night. Remember that as you watch it next time!

Others have claimed that she enjoys Downton Abbey and enjoys looking out for the historical inaccuracies. The Queen apparently enjoys spotting 21st-century objects. There are references to the royals throughout this historical drama. She has stayed in Highclere Castle where Downton is set and probably enjoys the familiarity of the setting.

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During a visit to Ireland in 2011, the Queen mentioned that she watches the X-Factor and has it recorded to watch later if she is busy with a royal engagement. She clearly needs the technology in place to keep up with her favourite shows and would probably need to employ a contractor to set this up like the ones at http://steveunettaerials.co.uk/services/satellite-repair-installation-worcester/ so she does not miss her favourite shows.

Her Favourites

The Queen enjoys programmes you would expect her to watch, such as Dad’s Army. This is not surprising because of her well known Blitz spirit; a home guard battalion was stationed at Windsor Palace during the war when she was living there. It is said that she also enjoys Last of the Summer Wine, another quintessentially British comforting comedy. It is claimed that she enjoys crime dramas such as Midsomer Murders, Morse and Poirot. She is also said to be fond of Countdown of an Evening.

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