A guide to care in the home

Many people find receiving care in their home can make a huge difference especially for those with limited mobility. This can help many people to remain happily living in their own home independently.

This kind of treatment is known as home care or home help sometimes.

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Homecare is extremely flexible. Someone may need homecare for just a short period each day while others find more benefit from a live-in caregiver.

It can be a short-term measure- for example, for a few weeks during recovery from being unwell, or it could be for a longer period of time and involve Live in Care Birmingham

Other considerations include adaptations for the home, such as equipment or gadgets that make life easier.

When do I need to consider home assistance?

You may want to consider care in the home if:

It is becoming increasingly tough to deal with daily routines, such as showering, getting dressed and moving around.

There is no desire to move into a nursing home

You remain semi-independent inside your home and your home is deemed safe – or is able to be adapted to make it safer. Seek more information on Live in Care Birmingham here

How can homecare help me?

A caregiver will come to your home and assist you with all sorts of things including:

getting out of bed in the morning

showering and getting dressed

brushing hair


Getting food and drink prepared

Help with taking medication

Assisting with shopping

Going out, such as to a club

Helping to get ready for bed at night

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How to get help at home from paid caregivers

Your local council can organize homecare for you if you’re eligible for it.

You can set your own homecare.

If you want the council to help with homecare for you, begin with asking for a  care needs assessment.

This assessment will assist the council in deciding whether you are eligible for treatment.

If you qualify, the board may recommend help at home from paid caregivers. They will organize homecare for you.

If you do not qualify for care, the council still has to provide free advice on where you can get help in your community.

Even if you intend to make the arrangements themselves with an agency or a private nurse, it’s still a good idea to have a needs assessment as it will help you to explain to agencies or caregivers the kind of help you need.

Homecare agencies

Homecare agencies employ trained caregivers and arrange for them to visit you in your home. You may not always have the same carer visit your home, although the agency will try to match you with the right person.

There are four main ways to do this:

search the NHS website to find local homecare services and agencies

ask your council’s social services section for information on agencies close to where you live. They may have a homecare agency directory on their web site

contact the Care Quality Commission. Every care agency must register with the CQC. It can provide the latest inspection report on agencies you are looking at


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