What to Look for When looking for a New Home

Looking for a new house is exciting, but if this is the first time you have done it or are a bit out of practice, there are things to be aware of when you are looking at a property. Making sure that as well as looking at the house itself, that you also look out for any potentially expensive issues to repair is an important part of house hunting. This can then reduce your chances of having to deal with a big and costly problem once you have moved into the house. Here are some of the things to look out for…

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A big thing to keep an eye (and nose!) out for when you are looking around a property is damp. Damp can be something that some might find hard to spot, and when selling a property, it is something that the current owners may have attempted to cover up but there are some clues to look for. The obvious is damp patches on walls and ceilings. They may be hidden behind furniture. The smell is also a dead giveaway. If there are strong smells in a room like air fresheners, they may be being used to cover u the smell of damp so be aware of this.

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A really important thing to look at when looking around a property is the windows. Look at the double glazing and look for signs of condensation in between the panes. If you see any it will need to be replaced by a professional like this Worcester double glazing company firmfix.co.uk as condensation between the glass means that there is a fault somewhere. The frames themselves are also good to look at, if they are wooden check for signs of damage and rot.

Something else to look out for when you are viewing a property is the roof. A roof is a big thing to have to repair, so spotting signs of damage to the roof is important if you want to avoid a nasty surprise and a large expense when you move in! Look at the age of the roof and look for any missing tiles. Look for signs of damage to the gutters too. If the roof is flat be aware that this may come with more issues, as water doesn’t drain as easily from a flat roof.

Heating is another thing to look at when you are looking at a property. Most people are not going to be able to fully inspect the boiler, but there are some ways that you can get clues that the heating is working as it should be. All radiators in rooms should be able to heat up evenly – so the whole radiator should get warm. You should also run hot and cold water taps to check that the hot water works properly. This will save you having huge issues and a potentially expensive new boiler when you have moved into your new home.

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