What should I do when my boiler leaks water?

Gas Safe engineers should be contacted as soon as you can if your boiler is leaking.

A professional can determine the source of the leak, as well as the best way to resolve the problem. Leaks are not always difficult to repair, but they can damage or corrode other parts of your boiler. For Tewkesbury Boilers, visit The Combiman

You will most likely see your boiler fail after some time if you ignore the leak. Water is corrosive, and it will rust or decay metal over time. Water may also leak in other areas of the home.

Switch off the power to your boiler

If the boiler is a more recent model with electronic controls, it’s important to shut off the unit as a leak could cause a short-circuit. The problem would be much more difficult to solve and costlier.

Most likely, you’ll be able to turn off the boiler with a wall switch or plug. You can turn off the electricity if you are worried about more damage.

What causes a boiler to leak?

A boiler can leak water for several reasons. There can be a leak if the boiler or one of the pipes that connect to it is damaged. The pressure relief valve can malfunction and cause a leak in a boiler.

Gas Safe engineers are the best choice if you cannot identify the source of the leak.

Here are the most common causes of a leaky boiler:

Pipework that has corroded

Leaks can occur at the joints of the pipework, as well as pinholes. This occurs more often with older boilers. If left in a damp utility room or garage, old pipework can also leak. Corroded radiator pipes are sometimes the source of leaks

Pressure relief valve

The pressure relief valve releases excess pressure from the system. If your boiler has a pressure gauge, is the arrow pointing to the red zone? Perform the following steps if you have a pressure gauge.

  • Check that the key or lever is not open. This will allow excess water to enter the system.
  • If you don’t, turn off the system and bleed all radiators. A build-up of air could cause the system pressure to exceed reasonable limits.
  • Gas Safe engineers should be called if bleeding does not correct the pressure.

Loose joints

The joints in the boiler and its neighbouring pipework are different. Any loose joints could cause a leak.

It is possible that something nearby, like a tumble dryer or washing machine, is causing vibrations. The joints can loosen if the PTFE tape has started to degrade and they have been repaired.

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