Mental health benefits of yarn crafts

Yarn crafts can be relaxing, calming and meditative. Fibre arts are a wonderful way to improve your life, whether you’re considering a new project or re-starting your current work in progress.

  1. Yarn engages multiple senses

Yarn can be soft, colourful, and squishy. It can be soft, fuzzy or even sparkled. You can benefit from colour therapy by simply looking at the fabric. You might experience the same relaxing sensation as petting a cat or a dog while working with this. Dopamine can be released by visual and tactile stimuli. Dopamine, a feel-good chemical, is linked to feelings of motivation, reward, and productivity.

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  1. Knitting and crocheting can reduce anxiety and release serotonin

The body uses repetitive movements to express or relieve stress. People can often replace these repetitive motions with positive distractions like knitting or crocheting. The brain is occupied by precise handwork, which takes our mind off the anxiety. This creates a calm feeling, similar to meditation. You can stay present by engaging in mindful activities. They will also help you focus.

  1. Making art can lower cortisol levels and boost confidence

Cortisol, the main stress hormone in your body, is produced by your adrenal glands. Cortisol levels that are too high can cause anxiety, depression, heart problems, sleep issues, digestive problems, memory, and concentration. Art and creativity can reduce cortisol, which in turn lowers stress levels. Knitting and crocheting have mental health benefits that can improve your physical well-being.

The added benefit that crocheting provides as a way to relieve stress is creating a tangible work of art. This is something you can’t achieve through meditation alone. This sense of accomplishment can be incredibly affirming, and boost your self-confidence. You feel proud when you tell someone you made something and they ask where you got it. For a Knitting Kit, go to

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  1. Knitting and crocheting can reduce the risk of memory loss

Mayo Clinic researchers found that people who read and knitted during middle age had a 40% lower risk of memory loss. The brain is challenged by knitting and crocheting. While your stitches are flying by, your mind is constantly thinking about the pattern, the stitch that will be next, how many stitches you need to do, what row or round you are on, and when you will change colours. While some of these thoughts may be subconscious, they are still happening as you enjoy your yarn. These components all keep your mind active and sharp.