Homemade orange sponge cake recipe to make in 5 minutes

orange sponge cake

If the cake stands out for something, it is because it is one of the most versatile desserts that exist. This is mainly due to the fact that its realization allows a multitude of possibilities in terms of type and flavors. For example, the orange sponge cake we are going to make today.

In turn, the sponge cake is such a popular recipe that ways to microwave it in 5 minutes have already been discovered. This facility lies in the famous shape or size yogurt because its size is similar to that of a glass or the container of a yogurt.

The cake has more advantageous things for a dessert. For example, it is a dessert that remains spongy as the first day for several days. It can be cold, from the time even hot made fresh if it is made with chocolate.

The ideal thing is to make it in a square or rectangular mold, especially if it is a specific one for this type of desserts. Likewise, as said before, it can be done with any glass that we use to drink water. Of course, we must bear in mind that the amounts in terms of ingredients will not be the same.

Steps to make the orange sponge cake

Let’s see how easy it is to make a sponge cake at home and in 5 minutes. In addition, this recipe works for any type of cake. That is, you just have to substitute the ingredient that gives the flavor for another. In this case, orange for lemon or chocolate, for example.orange sponge cake


  • A natural yogurt (125 g)
  • 3 eggs
  • Flour (3 measures of yogurt)
  • Sugar (2 measures of yogurt)
  • 1 large orange
  • Olive oil (1 measure of yogurt)
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • Butter to spread the mold, or baking paper
  • Depending on the power of flavor you want, we will use a softer or stronger oil. That depends on the tastes.

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Preparation of orange sponge cake

  1. First, empty the container of yogurt. We will need this dairy, so you should pour the yogurt in another container. The container of yogurt will serve as a universal measure of the ingredients of the orange sponge cake.
  2. Also, go preheating the oven for 10 minutes at 180ºC.
  3. Next, grate the skin of the orange until I was left with the white part. On the other hand, peel the orange completely and crush the segments in a separate bowl.
  4. In this bowl, add sugar, eggs, yogurt, orange zest, and oil. Grind these ingredients with a blender until there is a homogeneous mass.
  5. It is time to add flour and yeast. Of course, you have to sift these ingredients before adding them.orange sponge cake
  6. On the other hand, butter the cake mold, either with your finger or with a brush, and put the oven paper. With these two steps, we should get yes or yes that the cake does not stick in the oven.
  7. Pour the dough into the mold and place it in the oven at medium height, and bake at 180 ° C for about 35 minutes. Keep in mind that irregular molds should be 5 or 10 minutes longer than squares.
  8. Now make the test of the stick to know if it is ready: click with a toothpick the cake, and if it comes out without stuck remains is ready. If not, leave it a few more minutes.
  9. Finally, remove the cake from the oven. You have to let it cool a little before removing it from the mold so that it does not crumble.
  10. Now, you just have to let it cool to be able to consume it.


To present this cake, if it is going to be consumed with a visit, candied oranges can be added on top of the orange sponge cake itself.


  • 1 or 2 oranges
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 5 cups of sugar (1 kg)

orange sponge cake


  • To confit the oranges it is enough to let them rest in a liter of water along with a kilo of sugar.
  • If you want it to be caramelized, put the oranges in the oven 5 minutes before removing the orange sponge cake.
  • As you have seen, it is very easy to make a cake. Remember, you can change the orange for chocolate or lemon if you wish.
  • With lemon, you have to follow the same procedure: grating and peeling the lemon.
  • With the chocolate, you just have to heat it a little in a bain-marie before beating it to make it easier to mix.
  • You can also add honey to your recipes.

We also recommend you to read this article: http://srewang.com/how-to-make-chocolate-truffles-three-simple-recipes/

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