Dark and mystery of blue black hair: find out who they look good on

blue black hair

A color with a unique and mysterious charm, blue-black on hair is not for everyone. Find out if it can be right for you.

Dark and mystery of blue-black hair: find out who they look good on

If worn with style, black-blue hair can suit both light and olive skin, green and blue or dark eyes. Intense and mysterious like the night, this shade is perfect for diaphanous complexions because it gives a vaguely retro taste. On intense, precise, and shiny hair. But it also marries in an enchanting way with the most Mediterranean leathers for that trendy. And the glam twist that helps them to escape from anonymity.

In nature, black hair is in fact a prerogative of olive complexions. Even if nowadays many women with fair skin decide to dye it. Did you know (and it is by no means an aspect to be underestimated) that darkening the hair does not damage it, as it happens when it is bleached? That’s why they like it so much. And that’s why all of us are literally crazy about blue highlights! They give a dark and almost mysterious touch, a gothic look worthy of celebrity. And then changing style with different hair color can give you some satisfaction, you feel renewed, different, more fascinating. And this color, even if it is not too noticeable and is not screamed, is able to revolutionize you: the hair color works exactly like a beautiful makeup, enhances the eyes, illuminates the complexion, hides the defects of the face, and enhances the qualities. The black-blue is perfect for an energy boost to a bit of flat and obvious hair.

Black blue hair highlights: an extra twist

But why choose black-blue? Of course, because it is a chic, elegant and refined color able to fully express a decisive and strong personality: almost all the witches of fairy tales, if you think about it, show off a thick hair, dark from the reflections of the night sky. This very intense shade is well suited to faces with marked, sensual, intriguing features, but also delicate and sweet like the model Leigh Lezark, the actress Eva Green, the singer Katy Perry, the sensual Demi Lovato, or the burlesque artist Dita von Teese. However, we must clarify a very important concept: this nuance that frames the face in such a ‘frank’ way is not for everyone!

Black blue hair: the cuts that enhance them

The blacks hair with blue highlights give refinement to the face but only some cuts lend themselves well to this color: the helmet wavy with short fringe and rounded, a bit ‘ the thirties, the bob with side clump, or a medium length hair but always ‘swaying’. Very long, too straight, or excessively short hair does not do justice to this dark and mysterious shade.

Blue-black hair, even with the DIY dyeblue black hair

You should definitely try Garnier’s Color Intense Black Blue, the permanent color that makes your hair shiny. The do-it-yourself dye has been cleared for some time but some rules must be paid attention to. Allergies are always lurking so always do a little test before trying a new color. If it says 20 or 30 minutes on the box, don’t expect to know what is best for your hair by adding or decreasing the minutes as you like because you risk stressing your hair or not reaching the desired goal. You may not know it, but the different parts of the hair react differently to the color: the root needs more time to absorb the color. Tips load faster: start from the root, tapping the mixture well, and then blend the rest on the stem and the tips until the shutter speed ends. A tip: isolate the forehead, ears, neck, and nape with petroleum jelly to prevent unsightly stains!

If you have always dreamed of the black-blue color, but you are not sure if it can do it for you, discover it with Color Match, the virtual color simulator that allows you to try the “live” effect. Just choose the color, open the product sheet, press the button and upload a photo. Have fun with over 60 different colors!

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