How photography can give your brand strategy impact

All businesses know that the right imagery can help establish them and make them relevant to new customers. This is especially true in today’s digital world where consumers scroll through hundreds of photos every day.

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Get Creative

While it may be tempting to opt for stock photography or simple product images, these are unlikely to entice a buyer to investigate further. While customers want to know as much about a product as possible, if the images are boring they are far less likely to engage. High-quality photographs should always be a major part of your brand strategy, as they help to create your visual identity and establish your mission.

The Data & Marketing Association suggests using user-generated images to engage customers, with 56% of their survey respondents saying that they are more likely to notice and click on a user-generated photo than a stock photograph. They are also more likely to be shared, as are your own high-quality images.

Build Trust

As well as generating sales, superior photos help to inspire buyers and build trust. And the more original your imagery, the more chance there is of your brand being the one to stand out. If you need advice on what sort of photographs will make you original, you could enlist a brand strategy agency and there are many, such as Really Helpful Marketing, that can offer guidance.

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On Brand

Creating an established brand that keeps customers coming back requires great product and general photography which they can identify with. The more eye-catching your images are, the more you can grab consumers’ attention and leave an impact. Not only are you showcasing your products, but you’re also making it clear what you stand for and creating a reputation that will help your business grow.