Getting the Space You Need for a Meeting When you Have a Smaller Office

Over the course of the pandemic, many people who had never worked from home before were forced to turn their home into their office. For some this wasn’t ideal and as soon as they could get back into the office, they did whereas for others this was a much better way of working and it is something that they have decided to keep.

Many companies now have staff who work from home all of the time, or as a hybrid work model, maybe coming into the office once a week or once a month for example.

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This has meant that many companies don’t have the need for as much space and therefore have cut costs by reducing the size of their premises. Although this is a great way to save money, there are times that you need that extra space and just don’t have it.

Whether you are holding a big meeting and want to have privacy and a special area that is separate to the rest of the office, or you want to get all the staff together for a training session, when you need this extra space what do you do when it is not available?

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Fortunately, there are places that you can use that are ideally suited to this. You can hire professional meeting rooms like this meeting rooms Exeter based facility that allow you to have the additional space that you need when you need it without having to pay for a larger premises all the time.