Factors To Consider When Selecting An RV Storage Facility

You may have a couple of options for RV storage. First, you can choose between covered and open-air storage. A covered space may be the best choice if you live in a humid climate and don’t mind washing and waxing your RV. Open-air storage is also convenient, but it isn’t perfect. Your RV won’t be protected from humidity, some storms, and extreme temperatures.

Protection From The Elements

When you store your RV outside, it is exposed to the elements, which can damage the awnings, siding, and fiberglass. The details can also damage the interior of your RV. For this reason, securing it in an RV storage Clay County facility is essential. In addition, indoor facilities often have surveillance cameras and lighting that can discourage would-be thieves. They also provide climate control for added protection.

You can also choose covered RV storage. This will provide some protection against the weather, and it is usually cheaper than uncovered outdoor storage. Covered RV storage also features security features, including video surveillance, high fences, and keypad entry gates. Although covered outdoor storage doesn’t provide complete protection, it will protect your vehicle against rain, snow, and cold temperatures.


The security of your RV storage is of the utmost importance. Most RV storage facilities install security cameras in specific locations. But the cameras may not be able to identify who is stealing your RV, and the cameras are not always in a good place. Therefore, checking and maintaining your storage unit’s security regularly is essential. The installation of CCTV in RV storage facilities is a simple yet effective method of preventing intrusions. Moreover, it helps build customer confidence. The cameras can also be accessed remotely from any location, provided the facility has a high-speed internet connection.

Outdoor Storage

Outdoor storage is an excellent option if you park your RV outside the elements. Some facilities require reservations, so making them well in advance is essential. However, these facilities usually offer a lower price than indoor storage. Besides, you can find a location that is specifically designed for RVs.

Another option is to park your RV in an accessible parking lot. Unfortunately, many residential neighborhoods restrict RV parking, and homeowners associations can charge exorbitant fees. Regardless, outdoor storage is often a better option for many people.

Covered RV Storage

Covered RV storage is an excellent alternative to storing your RV in the open. It protects your RV from damage caused by animals and the spread of disease. 

A covered RV storage space is a cost-effective solution for off-property RV storage. You’ll need to pay a one-time fee to use a covered port. However, covered RV storage is an inexpensive solution, and it will protect your RV from the elements. In addition, covered storage will keep you peace of mind as your RV will be enclosed. Covered RV storage protects from severe weather. It will also help protect your RV’s interior from the scorching sun. Sunlight can make interior surfaces crack and fade. It can also cause cracks in seats, flooring, and the ceiling.


As RV ownership reaches record levels and RV manufacturing reaches its highest level in almost a decade, the need for RV storage facilities has never been greater. Unfortunately, many major metro markets are grossly underserved. There are several important factors to consider when selecting an RV storage facility. These factors will help you choose the right one for your customers and ensure they enjoy great convenience.

Choosing a storage facility that provides indoor, climate-controlled storage for your RV will protect it from harsh elements. Outdoor storage for your RV can be prone to deterioration, especially if the unit is older.

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