5 resolutions that HR professionals should make for 2019

As one year draws to a close and another year begins, it is an excellent time to review your company’s HR policies and commit to making necessary changes.

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According to The Balance Small Business, the start of a new year is the perfect time to assess the ways in which you want your business to grow. To make it a little easier, we’ve put together five great resolutions that will help your company to improve and develop.

1. Ensure HR and business objectives are in harmony

For the most positive effects, HR needs to understand the goals of the business, so inter-departmental communication is a key factor. Make sure that the company‘s business strategy is clearly set out and that HR understands which aspects are most important.

2. Put your employees first

Happy employees work harder and more efficiently, so put them at the core of everything you do. Regular reviews and one-on-one meetings will help to ensure that your workers are happy, leading to increased productivity and improved customer relations. Even smaller businesses can learn from this, so take advantage of HR outsourcing services, such as www.mushroombiz.co.uk/homepage/services/hr/, and see for yourself the positive impact that it has.

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3. Identify and review goals

An end-of-year review gives great opportunities for identifying goals for the coming year. Make sure that everyone feels included in discussions, as participation in the decision-making process encourages a deeper engagement and connection with the company. Make a point of conducting regular reviews to ensure that standards remain high and employees stay motivated.

4. Analyse company metrics

You should aim to base all future decisions related to the company on specific facts and available data. A thoughtful and insightful decision-making process leads to superior outcomes, so keep personal opinions out of the office and avoid apportioning blame for mistakes.

5. Understand your employee turnover rates

High employee turnover rates are a clear sign that something is wrong within the company, so if you’ve experienced a high number of staff losses in the past 12 months, this needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Consult your employees to find out what they like and dislike about their work, and do everything within your power to ensure that they feel listened to and encouraged.