If you have an Audi RS3 can already boast against the Audi R8 because this preparation takes 555 hp

Audi RS3

Do you have a Audi RS3 and find that power in short supply? Your neighbor the mighty trolling you with its 540 hp Audi R10? Quiet, Germans of B & B have the solution. For a small price of just under 2,000 dollars you can get a Giant Killer cucumber. Are four stages of preparation available and each gets a little hot to hot hatch of the four rings.

Audi RS3
Image Source: Google Image

Starting from its 2.5 – liter turbocharged five – cylinder, 367 hp and 465 Nm of torque that brings as they exit the dealer become 430 hp and 620 Nm with a magical setting electronics in step 1. This small leap for any man, one giant leap for fun will only cost 1,950 dollars , but there’s more.
The choice is in your hand and in your pocket


Turning to step 2 and putting 2,950 dollars power up a little more and the Germans are 444 horses and 655 Nm those leaving for their escape. The jump comes now, with an amount of 7,950 dollars we get fully instep 3 and the power level to 478 hp and 700 Nm.Unfortunately not detail what these improvements.

Do you still think you have leftover bit and more than chump? Well hang on here comes the step 4 . In exchange for 17,950 dollars will get a new turbo greater pressure line standard exhaust catalysts, oil cooler, intercooler, water pump more flow, retakes intake and more goodies get raise the maximum power up to 555 thoroughbreds and 750 Nm.

With this display the RS3 now gets to 100 km / h from standstill in 3.3 seconds and reaches a top speed of 300 km / h. Perfect for the autobahn!

Undoubtedly one of the most extreme preparation getting leave in panties to that of MTM, although aesthetically more like it. Visit here to know more like this.

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