A matter of taste: Six cuisines six styles

Six cuisines six styles

The kitchen has become one of the most important areas of the home. Actually it was many years ago, lost importance for some decades by a misunderstanding of its function and a progressive decrease in their size … But mistakes are resolved and the kitchen and regains the prominence it deserves.

That’s why we can also generate many doubts when remodel, furnish or decorate it, because somehow their decorative style will define much of the housing. Functional, rustic, classic, ecological, industrial, vintage … what style you want your kitchen?

Six cuisines six styles
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The style we see in the first image of this article is functional. A style of simple lines, in which the practical imposed on any fashion. A practical kitchen, bright, decorated in white and with a huge island that serves as both a workspace and office area where breakfast, lunch or dinner to share. Wall chalkboard paint is an ideal place to write down the shopping list or the recipe you have in mind in the coming days preparing complement.

Six cuisines six styles
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To give a rustic air to the kitchen, without having to work or to change the tiles, we can play with wall coverings and ceilings, like those of the Elements Wood collection Grosfillex, marketed by Decopraktik, we can see in the picture on These lines. Simulate the texture of wood and are ideal for rooms with moisture as the kitchen. Appliances paneling and wood also is to note.

Six cuisines six styles
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To get a kitchen classic style but at the same time bold, we can combine a parquet floor with a soft paint one of the walls and doors in white, so we have a space with a feeling of spaciousness and bright. You can create contrast with some closets and cabinets in black and lamp design for a room with personality.

Six cuisines six styles
Image Source: Google Image


If our choice is focused on sustainable and environmentally friendly style, opt for an open kitchen: a wooden floor, a painted in green wall and some windows without doors to leave the crockery, glassware and all kitchen utensils in sight. The main decoration ornaments are a simple but cheerful natural plants, of course.

You may also like to read another article on BlogsMujer: Six great ideas for decorating your table in summer

Six cuisines six styles
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A must in the kitchens of the past few seasons is the industrial style. If you have a kitchen with high ceilings you can opt for this type of decoration reminiscent of the old factories or abandoned lofts Yorkers typical. White on walls, ceilings or even doors, accompanied by a clear ground texturing pine, austere space will touch and achieved an immense feeling of spaciousness. Appliances and stainless steel furniture complete the decor.

Six cuisines six styles
Image Source: Google Image


And we end with vintage style inspired by the 20s of the twentieth century, who has returned strongly in recent decades. To decorate the office area of our kitchen without works, we can choose a wallpaper that simulates a hydraulic tiling typical of this lovely decorative style.

The rustic and classic all have very seen since my childhood, vintage I like to see but does not fit with my personality, ecological or think because I killed all plants, well, bamboo does not die me but that I already I’ll tell you another day … And I love the industrial style, but as my kitchen has dimensions suitable for me … I’ll take the functional kitchen! And you with what style you stay for your kitchen?

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