5 tips to boost women in their professional career

professional career

When you start a professional career in a company, it is important to test the ground, make a hole and discover who is who.

I wanted to congratulate you for having achieved the desired job, in which you have invested so much effort and enthusiasm. I like that you think that you are in a good company and that you feel it as an opportunity for professional growth.

It is premature to talk about development when you have recently started your steps in the new company: first it will be your turn to try the ground, make a hole and discover who is who.

However, since you ask me, I will give you 5 tips that I hope can help you in this professional career that you think about. It is not an easy path, neither for men nor for women, but I agree with you that, as women, we must overcome several obstacles, the first of them, ourselves:

1. Set yourself goals

Without setting a goal and a strategy, it is difficult to reach a good port. What resources do you have? What are your strengths? What should you try harder? I repeat, you have just begun and it is time to observe, investigate and be prudent, but begin to outline your plan of action to be profiled as soon as you are more introduced to your position. Nobody will give you anything and you must work very hard, but it is important that you do it with a goal in your head and without dispersing.

2. Volunteer when new projects arise

Take advantage of opportunities to gain visibility, doing a good job. Women sometimes, because we are especially cautious, we hope to be extremely prepared to undertake something, we want to control all the variables and this can stop us at the moment of action. Think that the train only passes once and in the professional world, at certain times, you must get on the car when it is running at full speed.

3. Find your ambassadors

The women, sometimes, sin of excessive humility to sell us, but at the same time of an excess of pride to ask for help. Make them know you, discover your skills, help others and make them trust you when opportunities arise.

4. Be yourself, with your virtues and your flaws

It is useless to copy certain male behaviors; it is too tired and unsustainable over time to be playing a role of someone who is not. Women have a leadership style, a way of doing business and interacting with clients other than those of men. There are more and more companies that value diversity in their teams. Hiding these feminine features under a masculine shield does not seem the best way to bring the best of you.

5. Activate your networking

However, if you can only focus on one, start inside. Here men gain us an advantage, they are coworkers, but they also know each other well, share anecdotes and there is a feeling of camaraderie that among women it costs me a lot to locate. Just as in the previous point I have told you not to act like one of them, here I tell you that it is a behavior to take into account. Although you can’t always, I suggest you be present in the social life of the company, where interesting opportunities are cooked.

Finally, a final tip, not only for professional career but also for any situation in life: smile, it will not take professionalism or doubt your worth, on the contrary, it will bring you closer to people as a fundamental weapon to achieve your goals.

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