Solar panels are certainly a great investment for your home, but did you know that the PV panels need regular cleaning once they are installed on your roof? Here’s what you need to know.
Why do solar panels need to be kept clean?
If solar panels are dirty, they simply won’t work as well as they should, meaning that the effectiveness of your entire system will be compromised. Solar panels get dirty throughout the year because of the dust and dirt that is naturally present outside, so they must be cleaned regularly.
Who can clean solar panels?
There are professional solar panel cleaners in Monmouth, such as, who can take this job on for you. They will carry it out safely and with care, as it involves working at height.
What are the benefits of cleaning solar panels?
If you clean your solar panels regularly, they will work efficiently and ensure that sunlight can reach the mechanics within each PV to generate electricity. When a solar panel is dirty, it can become up to 30% less effective! A regular cleaning schedule ensures that your system works as well as it should to save you money on your electricity bills.
There are long-term savings too, because if you don’t clean your panels, they can experience long-term damage that requires expensive repairs or replacement. When dirt builds up over time, hot spots can appear on the panels and lead to cracking. Prevention is better than cure and this cleaning will help to maximise the longevity of your investment, as well as its performance.
Warranty Considerations
It’s also worth considering that solar panel manufacturers require a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that the warranty remains valid. This means that you’ll potentially be liable for repairs if you have an issue with your system and the manufacturer deems that you’ve not cared for it adequately.
These are just some of the reasons to invest in a regular cleaning schedule for your solar panels. Why not organise professional cleaning today?