How to Organise Your Desk and Office Furniture

A well-organised desk and office space makes it easier to concentrate and keep on track with work tasks. Rather than trying to do everything at once, separate projects into distinct zones and designate a specific location for each one. For example, files go in a file cabinet, books and reference materials live on shelves and post-it notes fit nicely on a bulletin board. A clean desk saves time, and a tidy storage space helps you find the right supplies when needed.

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In addition to getting rid of items you don’t use, consider adding extra storage spaces for papers and supplies. Whether you have an old desk with drawers or you buy a minimalist contemporary one from Gloucester Office Furniture, extra storage can help make your desk and office more functional. Drawer dividers are an easy and inexpensive way to organise your desktop without losing important paperwork and sticky notes. For Gloucester Office Furniture, visit Severn Furnishing.

Desk paper inevitably accumulates and can take up a lot of space in your workspace. Instead of letting these piles grow out of control, remove nonessential paperwork from your desk and place it in office storage solutions. Then, each day when you sit down to work, put back only what’s necessary for the current project. At the end of the week, relocate the rest of the paperwork to a box, drawer or rubbish bin.

When it comes to desk clutter, tangled cables are the worst culprits. Whether they’re on the desk or plugged into the computer, these wires can become distracting and lead to frustration. Invest in a cable tidier or use zip ties to collect cords into neat bundles and tuck them away out of sight.

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Having some personal mementos in your home office is okay but you should limit the number of objects you display to avoid the space becoming overcrowded and overwhelming. A simple shelf is a great way to organise decorative items and keepsakes while keeping them off your desk.

If you need to keep small electronics on your desk, such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones, invest in a charging station or docking station. These devices will keep your desk clean, reduce the need for tangled cords and make it easier to keep all of your gadgets charged.

Investing in a few extra storage solutions can also free up valuable space on your desk, leaving you with plenty of room for your computer monitor and keyboard. If you have an open floor plan, bookcases and shelves can help remove items from the desk and give your office a more sleek look.