The importance of an excellent Farm Health and Safety policy and why specific procedures are implemented every day.

Farming can be an extremely hazardous occupation to be involved in, farm machinery, livestock, dangerous chemicals and working at heights are just a few of the accidents waiting to happen on a daily basis on any working farm. Having an up to date Health and Safety policy in place and a recognised list of procedures to follow, alongside thorough training for all workers can all be undertaken by a professional company such as  The lives of all the full-time farm hands and any other more casual labourers are in the hands of the farm owner and manager, they are held responsible should a tragic and unforeseen accident occur on their premises.

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Tragically, it was recorded by the NIOSH or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 2020 that 368 farm workers and agricultural labourers died from farming related accidents in the USA.  Britain has implemented a very strict and stringent set of rules that MUST be followed by all farm managers and workers to try and alleviate some of the accidents that could potentially happen on a British farm.

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There are three main sections for these Health and Safety Policies, 1) A Statement of intent, setting out specific aims and objectives, 2) Outlines, who has specific responsibilities, and 3) Arrangements. ANY business with more than five employees MUST have a written Health and Safety Policy, all these extremely important parts of daily life on a busy farm can be implemented and organised by a professional company who specialise in Farm Health and Safety.