Why should you take up group dancing?

The universality of dance is one of the reasons why it is such a great activity that people bond over and distract themselves from reality. For many dancers, the music and movement of group dance is their ideal escape. But why is that? And why should you give it a try?

Even an informal dance floor at a party can be more than enough to scare away most of us. The initial under-confidence can often overshadow the opportunities that dancing brings. However the mental health benefits of dancing in a group are endless, and if given the chance they can create extremely healthy and positive mindsets.

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As you work alongside a group or team, they would help build your confidence because they would want you to improve. A positive and encouraging group would in turn help with motivation, which is extremely beneficial if you struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. You would also have a clear focus each week that will be a source of physical exercise too.

Whether you become a competition-level dancer or just enjoy a Sunday jazz class, the sense of belonging you can develop would enable you to create new bonds or deepen your current ones. This is shown due to dance being directly linked to the production of endorphins, which are also known as ‘happy hormones.’ During the release of endorphins, it is common to build bonds quicker whilst you are both in a flow.

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Choosing an activity such as group dance for you and your partner can also be a great way to face issues relating to intimacy or tension, especially through dances such as salsa or ballroom. Local dance schools such as rvdance.co.uk/dance-classes-london/salsa-classes-london which are Salsa Classes London, take group sessions weekly. A group session would be a non-pressured environment with other couples in the same position. This also means that tension will be channelled through your physical movements and not through speech. Research has shown that non-verbal communication can be more important than speech, giving you time to focus on the finer details such as eye contact which is extremely important when bonding.

In a group the movements are often mirrored, creating a sense of togetherness as they bounce off each other’s endorphins and energy. Although it may feel hard to start with, if you can begin to take the pressure off and relax into it, you may start to feel the synchronisation of the group and how it can benefit you!

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