5 Great Ways To Make Employees Feel Valued

Having a workforce that feels valued brings many benefits to a business. When employees feel valued, they are happy in their jobs and more likely to go the extra mile. Not only that, but when employees are happy it means less staff turnover and increased productivity. Here are five ways to make sure employees feel valued.

1. Fair Pay

According to the Living Wage Foundation, one in every eight workers is paid below the Living Wage, which is based upon the cost of living. Underpaying employees for the level of work they do is a quick way to make them feel like they are not important and encourage them to look for work elsewhere.

2. Healthy Work-Life Balance

A good way to make employees feel valued is to understand that they need a good balance between working and other things in life. This might mean some employees need time for family demands, or simply to have some time off. One way to do this is by offering flexible hours so that employees can fit their other commitments around their work.

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3. Rewards

Celebrate your employees by using rewards. It could be a team day out, free gym membership or having free lunches or treats in the office. More information on office lunch delivery can be found at https://www.crumbsdelivered.co.uk/index.php/product-category/lunch/.

4. Ongoing Training

Providing employees with training opportunities helps them to learn, enhancing their career. By providing this, you are showing that your business values its staff and is willing to help them progress.

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5. Internal Hires

Instead of hiring from outside the company, considering employees who are ready to step up to a new role is a key way to make them feel valued. Not only that, but people who have been in their role for a while may choose to stay with your company, rather than getting a new job.

Having a workforce that feels valued not only benefits them, but also your business. Take time to show employees that you care about them, and you will have a loyal workforce to carry your business forward.