Signs you might have too many clothes

Are you addicted to fashion? Do you own too many clothes or shoes? Here are some tell-tale signs that you might be buying way more than you could ever wear in a lifetime:

  • You can’t close your drawers anymore and haven’t been able to for quite some time.

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  • There once was an ordered system, but not anymore. Items are just thrown in as they arrive.
  • You’re forever making fascinating discoveries of things you didn’t even know you owned. This fills you with joy, quickly followed by shame and guilt because you’ve never worn this brand-new item.
  • You always need more hangers and must constantly add them to your shopping lists.
  • You need to store your clothes by season as you need more space.
  • You cannot live without vacuum seal storage bags, and every day give thanks to whoever invented them.
  • You know your postman/woman by their first name; that’s how often they deliver parcels to your house.

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  • Your partner has told you that you must get rid of something you no longer wear each time you buy a new garment or pair of shoes.
  • You feel sympathy for the clothes you don’t choose to wear. It would help if you got around to making it their turn soon.
  • When you find an item that fits perfectly, you buy it in as many different colours as the store has available.
  • Long ago, you began encroaching on your partner’s side of the wardrobe, and now they have only a tiny space left to hang their clothing. When you need new Fitted Wardrobes, consider
  • Most of your spring clean is taken up by an audit of your wardrobe, purchasing bin bags, and donating massive amounts to your local charity shops.
  • Attempting to audit, tidy, and sort out your wardrobe is becoming a second job.
  • The staff at your local charity shop know you by name as you’re there handing in bags every couple of months.
  • You find items with labels still attached that you can’t even remember buying.
  • Nobody ever buys you clothes as gifts because everyone knows you have too many.
  • Each time you receive an invitation to an event, you buy something new despite having a wardrobe full of outfits with the label still on.
  • Everyone tells you they’ve never seen you wear the same thing twice.